Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sql Server: How to copy a table?

This is the simplest way to copy a table into another (new) table in the same SQL Server database. This way of copying does not copy constraints and indexes.

select * into [destination table] from [source table]
Select * into employee_backup from employee
We can also select only a few columns into the destination table like below

select col1, col2, col3 into [destination table]from [source table]
Select empId, empFirstName, empLastName, emgAge into employee_backup from employee
Use this to copy only the structure of the source table.

select * into [destination table] from [source table] where 1 = 2
select * into employee_backup from employee where 1=2
Use this to copy a table across two database in the same Sql Server.

select * into [destination database.dbo.destination table] from [source database.dbo.source table]
select * into Mydatabase2.dbo.employee_backup
from mydatabase1.dbo.employee

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